We are In Parallel. We empower organizations and people to do the right things right.

We empower organizations
and people to do the right things right.

We are In Parallel. We empower organizations and people to do the right things right.

Our vision is to lead a new generation of enterprise software that empowers organizations to thrive in the face of complexity and change. By harnessing AI's transformative capabilities, we help organizations and people become their best. 

Level up your strategy execution
with Adaptive Strategies

Our vision is to lead a new generation of enterprise software that empowers organizations to thrive in the face of complexity and change.

By harnessing AI's transformative capabilities, we help organizations and people become their best. 

Level up your strategy execution with Adaptive Strategies

Our vision is to lead a new generation of enterprise software that empowers organizations to thrive in the face of complexity and change. By harnessing AI's transformative capabilities, we help organizations and people become their best. 

Level up your strategy execution with
Adaptive Strategies

Strategy is everyone’s job now.

Strategy is everyone’s job now.

Strategy is everyone’s job now.



Add clarity and adaptability

to your operating model.

Add clarity and adaptability to your operating model.

Add clarity and adaptability

to your operating model.




Integrate internal and external data
for a truly 360° perspective. 

Close the gaps between strategy and execution.

Close the gaps between strategy and execution.




Close the gaps between
strategy and execution.

Integrate internal and external data for a truly 360º perspective.

Integrate internal and external data for a truly 360º perspective.



Make your strategies more
relevant, resilient, and adaptable.

Make your strategies more relevant, resilient, and adaptable.

About In Parallel

About In Parallel

About In Parallel

At In Parallel, we're on a mission to empower organizations and people to do the right things right. We deliver strategic clarity in a rapidly evolving world, using AI to create game-changing Adaptive Strategies that help organizations become more agile and resilient. 

In Parallel adds clarity and adaptability to your operating model. Our technology closes the gaps between strategy and execution, integrating internal and external realities to the whole. This makes strategies more relevant, resilient, and adaptable. 

We work with leading businesses, from large enterprises to emerging industry leaders, providing strategic value faster and more effectively than consultancy services and vertical SaaS solutions.


In Parallel Oy
Salomonkatu 17 A 4. Krs
Helsinki, Finland

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© 2024 In Parallel Oy